November 10, 2013

Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Swirl Ice Cream

So I have to say that I made this ice cream by divine revelation.  I had this crazy strange dream last night and right before I woke up I had this idea on how to make chocolate peanut butter ice cream.  So here is the recipe I created today for the first time and I must say it is delicious.

You will need:

An Ice Cream Freezer
or a Freezer Safe container with an airtight lid
3 1/2 C half and half
1 1/2 C sugar
1/2 C semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/4 C peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla

Mix 1/2 C half and half, 1/2 C choc chips, 1/4 C peanut butter, 1/2 C sugar in a sauce pan. Stirring continuously, melt and then bring to a thick bubbly sauce over medium low heat.  It should have the consistency of a heated fudge sauce.  Place the sauce to cool and then set into the refrigerator until ready to use. 

In a bowl, mix well, 3 C half and half, 1 tsp vanilla and 1 C sugar together.  This is your ice cream base.  Place the base in an ice cream maker/freezer for 20-25 min until soft serve consistency or place into a freezer safe container and stir every 20 min until desired consistency.  After your base is soft serve consistency, fold in dollops of firmed up chocolate peanut butter fudge sauce.  Your sauce should be almost like peanut butter thick.  Let freeze the rest of the way in the freezer and serve when ready to enjoy :)  

So there you have it.  I really do hope you all enjoy this wonderful (additive free) ice cream.  We have gotten so use to homemade ice cream that we have a difficult time eating anything else.  I will post a photo later :)

November 8, 2013

The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson

Recently my family and I began a new journey through the land of Aerwiar.  For my son and my husband who dive into books and are never distracted by the tasks of home economics they were fascinated from the beginning.  However, I on the other hand, am constantly being interrupted and so it has taken me a little longer to get completely involved with the Igiby's and feel like they deserve a permanent residence here at the Schober Hollow.  Now that I have gotten to know them and their thwap filled garden, I cannot imagine my library without them in it.  So I am writing to all of you to inform you that if you are interested in a new adventure full of excitement and unimaginable creatures of every kind....might I dangle a new read in front of your faces, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson is the first in the Wingfeather Saga and one I think will lead you to the others (North or Be Eaten!, The Monster in the Hollows and finally, The Warden and the Wolf King soon to be released in April of 2014).  Below is a link to a note from the Author to us parents.  I hope you are blessed.  (click on the link and then all the way to the right is a tab that says A Note to Parents)


Liquid Laundry Detergent

This is for one gallon at a time. 
1/6 or 2cm of a bar of fels naptha soap, grated
3C cold water
1/4 C Arm & Hammer super washing soda
1/4 C borax
2 C hot water
20 drops of essential oils if you wish
Heat 3 C water and fels naptha in a pan until dissolved, then boil mixture for 15 min.  Remove from heat and add 2C of Hot Water then add super washing soda and borax.  stir well.  should be the consistency of honey.  Pour into a one gallon jug and add enough cold water to make up a gallon.  Put in essential oils at this time if you are going to do so.  I like Lavender.  Leave some headroom because you will need to be able to shake the pee diddle out of it later.  Mix until blended.  (I use a 1 gal Tupperware container and transfer to a Kirkland detergent dispenser later but the 1 gal vinegar jugs from Costco are heavy duty and work well)  Let sit for 24 hours, soap will gel.  shake until well mixed and smooth or use a beater if able.  1/2 cup for each load.
the initial ingredients cost less than 11 dollars all together and can save you up to 150 a year.

This recipe is adapted from another one I found online at the following link :